Keeping ourselves healthy is always important.
We read Bear Feels Sick. Bear came down with a cold, and all of his friends were very kind and helpful towards him. Then at the end, when Bear got better, all of his friends became sick, and Bear helped them.
Why did Bear’s friends get sick?
We discussed germs - and how if one person has “sick germs” , they can pass it on to someone else. We then talked about how we can prevent catching someone else’s sick germs, or prevent giving your sick germs to someone else.

We have discussed and practiced hand washing (while counting to 30, singing the alphabet song or Happy Birthday). We wash our hands (WITH SOAP) when we come into the classroom, before we eat anything, after we have sneezed or coughed or have blown our noses. I’ve capitalized the “with soap” because one day, every single child told me that they had used soap, but I had realized that the caretaker had put the soap on a high shelf (that no one could reach), and no one had asked me to help take the soap dispenser down :)
We have talked about keeping our hands away from our faces, (and not chewing on our clothes!). If we feel that we really have to pick our nose, please use a tissue and do it in the washroom :)
We have practiced coughing or sneezing into our sleeve (elbow) or into a tissue.
We try to always respect other people’s space and bodies by not touching them without permission. (We are thinking of temporarily replacing celebratory high fives with an elbow touch, which requires even more hand (elbow) / eye coordination)
As teachers, we are washing our tables, and doorknobs frequently. We wash our toys and pencils and markers as often as we can.
We will read some more books about staying healthy during the upcoming week!
If you have any questions, please ask - in person or email Ms. Brown .