Our trip to High Park on Friday was awesome!
We loved the subway ride (the front car is so entertaining!)
Our program was called "Tracks and Trails" . We learned to be detectives, looking for evidence of animals in the park.
We were taught to look for:
Animal Homes
Body Parts ( feathers, fur)
Food Clues
We practiced moving like animals:
We made our own tracks:
And scat:
And we matched some animal evidence to pictures of animals:
Then we went outside to be detectives,
where we found real tracks:
And food evidence:
One group found a beautiful red-tailed hawk feather, and we saw a rare red squirrel! We saw some animal homes ( burrows, nests, logs), but the only scat we saw was dog scat. We heard the sounds of many birds ( chickadees, cardinals, and woodpeckers), as well as some chattering squirrels.
We also stood on top on top of the snake hibernaculum ( we were told that hundreds of snakes might be below us, all tangled together for the winter:
That reminds me! Before we went outside, we had a visit from the Nature Center's resident snake, Snappy, who is a corn snake. Snappy is not a poisonous snake. She is a constrictor! We couldn't touch her, but we were very excited to watch her twist and turn and wrap herself around one of our instructor's arm.
It was a wonderful day. Although the weather was deceptively cold, the rain held off for us, and we had a great time. Thank you SO MUCH to our parent volunteers. B's Dad, R's Dad, G's Mom, and E's Mom. We could not have done it without you all.