Friday was a busy day between going on a trip, eating lunch in the classroom and it being the 100th Day of School!
We started our day in the classroom and divided up into our groups and then we boarded our school bus for the trip downtown. Thank you so much to our parent helpers, Tracy, Tara, and Jason :) We couldn't have done it without you!
We arrived at Roy Thompson Hall a bit early (better early than late), but we did get a bit wiggly before the performance began. Some of us were VERY excited to be WAY UP HIGH on the upper balcony. Some of us weren't so excited. It was really high!

The program was a bit advanced for the Grade 1's. Ms. Donovan (our Music Teacher) prepared them well though. The performance was rooted in percussion. Ask your child what instruments "the man in pajamas" played (he actually changed out of his pajamas before he started playing, but they will know who you mean). He played many traditional percussion instruments, as well as household items such as pots and pans and even a basketball!
Our wonderful bus driver was waiting right outside when we exited. We were back to school very quickly -- but a few of us still fell asleep on the ride :)
We were only able to just begin our 100 Day Celebrations -- so we will continue celebrating all week, although we will have to stop for some Valentine Celebrations on Tuesday. This week will again be a busy week -- with Report Cards coming home on Monday, and then Parent-Teacher Interviews happening on Wednesday and Thursday Evenings (and mornings). Our PA Day on Friday will carry us into a long weekend -- Next Monday is Family Day!