As (most) of you now know -- I will be taking a medical leave for approximately 6 weeks. My last official day at school will be Wednesday, October 6 -- but I am hoping to be at school on Thursday October 7 to help the students transition to the new teacher (who is yet to be determined. A letter will come home when that teacher is hired) (I'll also talk about him or her on the blog!).
I will be in close contact with the new teacher (new temporary teacher :) (called an LTO -- or Long Term Occasional teacher). I will be doing much of the planning -- especially for the first few weeks. I will be updating the blog regularly so you will be able to see what everyone is up to. In October we will be focusing on the Harvest, Autumn and Spiders. I plan to visit the school (and the classes) weekly -- if it isn't too disruptive to the class.
If you need to communicate with the LTO teacher -- please call the school at 416-393-9070 -- or send in a note. You will also be able to make an appointment to discuss the progress of your child with the LTO teacher, if needed.
Report cards for Senior Kindergarten Students will come home on November 11. I will be having an interview with the parents of each child in early December to discuss the progress of your child. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to have individual interviews before I go on leave!

I am presenting this to the children as an adventure. It will be fun and exciting to have a new teacher! And six weeks really isn't that long :). I will be reading Franklin Goes to the Hospital to the classes on Monday. And then we'll talk a little bit about me being away and I will answer any of their questions.
I am having abdominal surgery -- I will be telling the children that inside my tummy hurts and the doctor will fix it so it doesn't hurt any more. They will only make little cuts in my stomach, but I will still need some time to heal. (No, I will not be showing them the incisions when I come back :)
The rest of the week will be all about Thanksgiving!
Please email me with any questions/concerns/comments/ funny anecdotes about your children:
martha (dot) brown (at) (I can't put actual email address or I'll get too much spam)
You can also leave a comment on this blog -- or you can email me through the blog -- my email address is under "profile". If you would like to speak to me -- please email me with your phone number, and best time to call and I will call you back asap.
I'll miss you all!