Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Pride Month!

Red: A Crayon's Story by Michael Hall

Red has a bright red label, but inside, Red is actually blue. Red is sad. He really wants to be red, but he cannot - no matter how hard he tries. Lots of other crayons tried to fix him. With a friends help, Red discovers something. He is blue!

Sometimes you have to have the courage to look inside and be proud of who you really are!

Listen and watch Ms. Brown read a short book about differences and being proud of who you are.

What are you proud of? Are you proud of your cool new glasses? Are you proud that you can now ride a 2 wheel bike after so much practicing? Are you proud that you read and read and read, and now you can read harder books?

Draw a picture of something that you can do that makes you proud!
I am proud that___________


June is Pride Month, when people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and other gender-fluid designations celebrate their diversity and strengths.

Why is Pride Month so important? Because for most of history, LGBTQ people faced ridicule, discrimination, and even violence due to their sexual orientation. Until very recently, LGBTQ people were not allowed to marry someone they love. While they still face discrimination and other obstacles today, LGBTQ citizens enjoy many more rights and freedoms thanks to many people who stood up for others and spoke out against discrimination.

Parents: We have discussed different kinds of families already in class. We have talked about having two moms or two dads and many different family makeups. We focused on love being the most important part of a family!

Feel free to teach these words if your child is ready. I would have taught them in class, and just left them as the definitions here and I would have answered the children's questions (there aren't usually any!)

Words to know:

Gender – Typically, gender is the state of being male or female, though some people identify as non-gendered or both genders.

Gay – A man who loves other men
Lesbian – A woman who loves other women
Bisexual – A person who loves members of both sexes
Transgender – A person whose gender identity (how they feel inside) is different from their body’s gender

Try It!

Today I would like you to design a Pride Flag. You r flag should show that you are proud of who you are! (Red should be proud of being blue!)

Pride flags often have rainbows on them, but they don't have to have Rainbows.

You need to think up some words or a sentence to put on your flag (A "slogan")

It could say:

I am proud of myself!

I am brave.

Last year, we made Flags that said "Be Brave, Be Bold, Be You!"

Take a regular piece of paper and cut it in half.

Write your "slogan" on it

Colour it

Attach a straw or a stick for a handle.

Wave your flag proudly!

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