Watch Ms. Brown's Message to you HERE!
Today is the first day of June!
Today is the beginning of 30 Days Wild!
We are going to try to do one "wild" thing outside every day. Today I would like you to begin a wildlife notebook (or paper) for the month. Make a list of all of the animals that you can see from your window. This will be a "growing" list because you can add the new animals that you see each day. Only add each animal once! (if you see a squirrel today, then squirrel is on the list and you can't write squirrel again tomorrow). Let's see who can see the most animals in June! Remember, bugs are animals. If you have a notebook, you could add one animal per page and draw a picture of each one!
Before you
read the message you need go outside and decide what the temperature
is! Is it Cold? Cool? Warm? Hot? Where the blank space is in the
message, you have to say how the temperature feels.
Genny! You are our helper! You can take the attendance to the office :) Genny, you can write the names of the people who are home right now and bring your paper to someone else. Even Popcorn! Write the names in Rainbow letters. That means you can write each letter in a different colour. You need to be extra helpful today. What will you do?
Who is today's Mystery Friend ?
Clue #1. Our mystery friend has 2 letter i's somewhere in their name. Clue #2. Our mystery friend has an n somewhere in their name.
Who is our mystery friend? You will often find our friend at the Dramatic Play Centre!
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Due to the fact that I have been getting 10-20 spam comments every day, I have had to start using word verification. As a blog reader, I REALLY dislike word verification, but I had no other option. I am so sorry!