Sunday, November 1, 2020

Happy Halloween!

 We read many books about Halloween - Fiction and NonFiction. Ask your child which one was their favourite!

We learned the chant "Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate" - and also learned that some of our friends knew it - with a little bit different words, but that's okay!

We drew some faces on our pumpkins and had them sit on a branch (gate) and then put the numbers 1-5 on top - in order (or the best that we could do)

We mixed some yellow and red paint, and then painted a pumpkin shape on paper. 


The next day we each cut out our pumpkin shapes (We teachers drew some outlines for the students who wanted it). We added some details to make our pumpkins into Jack-o-lanterns! - eyes and a mouth -- with teeth! If anyone wanted help, Ms. Emerson or Ms. Brown drew circles on the white paper for the children to cut out. Almost everyone did the eye cutting themselves! The black pupils of the eyes were punched out of black paper. The mouths were harder to cut out, so the teachers helped with some cutting. The teeth were snipped out of strips of scrap paper - the children did all of the teeth cutting. Then we glued. Dots not Lots! (or Raindrops not Puddles!). We try to set the children up for a challenge - but not so hard that they get frustrated and give up.

We have created a slideshow of our pumpkins on our Google Classroom. They look fantastic when they are all together! 

On Friday. everyone had awesome costumes on! We are going to make a book (an actual printed book) for our classroom next week.

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