Friday, June 26, 2020

Thank you parents!

Parents! You deserve a huge thank you! You have finished a 3+ month teaching practicum without teachers college (well, I know that at least 4 of you are teachers - but you had to do double teaching duty!) You all had the job of teacher thrust upon you, and your children have thrived!

Even if you never did any of the activities that I posted, your children learned so much from you during the past 3 months. They cooked with you, cleaned with you, learned how to deal with boredom, and played with you -- and they all looked so happy when we saw them in Google Meets.
So many of you went for nature walks. I wish that we could go for a nature walk every day with our class! Free play outside is one of the best things you can give your children to help their growth and development. Keep it up!

Lets hope that we are back in the somewhat normal classroom in September. Fingers crossed!

High Fives and Hugs all around!
(but maybe just within your family for now, right?)
(please give your children a high five or a hug from me)

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