Monday, May 11, 2020

More Dot Card Activities

We are still trying to develop our number sense.  
When we use our "number sense" we think about and use numbers flexibly. When children have good number sense, they can use and apply different strategies to solve problems. They can make reasonable estimates. They can easily and efficiently solve mental math problems. They can subitize.  

Last week we learned about subitizing with our dot cards.

You can also use the dot cards to have your child physically recreate the positions of the dots with other objects. Bread tags, coins, circles of play dough, Cheerios...

Or, show the number in another way (a different formation)

You can play memory match with the dot cards. You need to use two of each amount from the dot card deck. 

You can play Which one doesn't belong? 
Set out four cards, face up. Three should show the same number, and one will not. You could add a numeral card in with this, or a number word card

(ask which number doesn't belong! Because there are actually many different justifiable answers to this question. Technically, it could be said that the numeral 4 doesn't belong because it is the only numeral, or it isn't shown with dots -- We will do some problem solving like this another day! )

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