Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Comparing Three Little Pig versions (Making Text to Text Connections)

Today we will be making text to text connections. That is when we relate one book to another book. The easiest way to start is to read two versions of the same or similar story. 

The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf

The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.

How is The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig the same as
The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf?
 Were the characters the same?

Was the story the same (or almost)?
Were the words that the pigs and wolves say the same (or almost)? 
Was the ending the same?

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Due to the fact that I have been getting 10-20 spam comments every day, I have had to start using word verification. As a blog reader, I REALLY dislike word verification, but I had no other option. I am so sorry!