Thursday, May 14, 2020

Building Houses with the Three Pigs

Do you know the story of The Three Little Pigs? The pigs built some homes out of different materials.

Read along while Ms. Brown reads The Three Little Pigs - or read your own copy at home if you have one! Click right HERE!

The first little pig wanted to get his house finished quickly. He didn't do much planning. Planning means that you think about what you are going to do before you do it. You might draw pictures, or write down words to help yourself remember your plans. What did the first little pig build his house out of? Do you know anything about straw? It is a dried plant stem, and it is hollow, like a drinking straw! 

The second little pig wanted to make a stronger house than a straw one. He thought about what he was going to use and how he was going to build his house before he started building. What did he use to build his house? Do you think that his house was stronger than the first little pig's house? Why?

The third pig didn't think that the stick house would be strong enough. So he thought about what he could use to make a strong house, and he searched everywhere until he found something strong to use.What did he choose?

Think about it!
 What was the strongest material that they used? How do you know that it was the strongest? Was the third little pig's hard work worth the trouble and time it took to build the house? Why? How did it help?

Can you plan and build a house that will be strong?  
Think about it first! 
Plan your house by drawing a picture on paper. Label it by writing what material you are going to use to create your house. (Parents! The planning is the most important part of today's lesson. Creating with intentionality is so important!)

You can use whatever you want! Blocks, bricks,  boxes, paper! You can make it so you can take it apart (blocks, Lego, etc) or you can glue or tape it. (boxes or paper). Don't glue your blocks or Lego!

Have the big bad wolf come and try to blow it down. You can be the Big Bad Wolf and use your own breath OR your parent can use a hair dryer! 

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