Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Earth Day is Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the day that we focus on helping the earth. We are all great helpers in Room 9, so I think that you will all be very good at this!

The Earth is the planet that we live on. It is important that we care for our Earth, because it is the place that we spend our whole lives! 

To get ready for Earth Day, we are going to read along with this book called Earth Day Every Day by Lisa Bullard.

Try it! 
Get ready to move -- this is an active song! It celebrates trees (This video was recorded for the Jewish Holiday of Tu BiShvat which celebrates the earth and especially trees. The holiday was celebrated on February 9-10 this year, but it wasn't spring in Canada yet, so in our classroom, we usually put it off and celebrate it at the same time as Earth Day).
Sing along and move!

Why do we need trees?
Trees, (and all plants) make oxygen, which is in the air that we breathe. We need this oxygen to live. So our planet needs lots of trees! 

The trees also help to clean the air.

In the summer, trees give us shade and cool the air. 

Many animals live in trees. They are the home to many birds, squirrels and many insects.

Try it!
Today, please look at a tree. Can you see any animals in it? (birds, squirrels, bugs). Draw a picture of what you see. Really look hard at the tree.That is called observing.  Do you see leaves on the tree? You could draw the whole tree, or just the part with the animal in it.  

We are going to learn more about trees and plants next week!

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