Sunday, August 18, 2019

Practice Lunches!

Hello to all new jk parents!
During the next few weeks it would be a great idea to practice eating “school lunches” or “school snacks” with your child. 

We eat snacks sometime during mid-morning (we might eat a group snack together, but is not always scheduled, and we always remind the children to take a break from their work or play).
Lunch is from 11:30-12:00 - then we go outside from 12-12:30. 
Afternoon snack is mid afternoon. Again, they take a break when needed. 
Make sure that they can open everything that you send with them. Tell them that if they need help, or forget a spoon or fork, that they should put up their hand and an adult will be right over to help them! 
Talk about not eating off the table :)
Your child will have about a half an hour to eat their lunch. Perhaps set a timer 20 minutes, and talk about what to do if they don’t finish in 20 minutes (it’s okay! You can eat it later at snack time!) 
Practice packing everything back up, and talk about what should come home with them, and what should go into the recycling at school (same as at home).
We do not pressure the children to eat all of their lunches or snacks. We will give gentle reminders that they should be eating, not talking, if they seem not to be eating anything. 

We have a water fountain in our classroom, but if your child wishes to bring a water bottle, they may! Please write their name on it, as well as on their lunch bag and containers. 

Kindergarten lunch might be a big adjustment for your child and we want it to be as stress free as possible. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Brown or speak to Ms. Brown or Ms. Emerson 

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