Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Welcome to my new Grade 1 students and parents and welcome back to my returning Grade 2 students and parents! 

Once again I am teaching Grade 1/2 at Earl Beatty. I hope that you enjoy our adventures as we explore the curriculum and so much more!

September is here
And soon comes fall.
So welcome children
Welcome all.
I hope vacation
Was really fun.
And that you're glad
School has begun.

On the blog we will showcase what we are doing in the classroom -- but I will never show photos of the students faces (unless I have specific parental permission) or show their full names (sometimes their first names will show on their work, but I try to avoid that). Last year the blog was a bit sparse, but check out the posts in the archives from 2 years ago if you would like to see what we might be doing this year.

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Due to the fact that I have been getting 10-20 spam comments every day, I have had to start using word verification. As a blog reader, I REALLY dislike word verification, but I had no other option. I am so sorry!