Monday, May 23, 2011

Little White Duck

We have lots of books to read and sing -- here's one that we have been singing lately. We love to role play!

Little White Duck

There's a little white duck sitting in the water,
A little white duck doing what he oughter.
He took a bite of the lily pad,
Flapped his wings, and he said,
"I'm glad
I'm a little white duck sitting in the water."

There's a little green frog swimming
in the water,
A little green frog doing what she oughter.
She jumped right off of the lily pad
That the little duck bit, and she said, 'I'm glad
I'm a little green frog swimming in the water. "

There's a little black bug floating on the water.
A little black bug doing what he oughter.
He tickled the frog on the lily pad
that the little duck bit,
And he said "I'm glad
I'm a little black bug floating on the water."

There's a little red snake playing in the water,
A little red snake doing what he oughter.
He frightened the duck
and the frog so bad,
He ate the little bug , and he said, "I'm glad
I'm a little red snake playing in the water."

Now there's nobody left sitting in the water,
Nobody left doing what they oughter.
There's nothing left but the lily pad.
The duck and the frog ran away - I'm sad
"Cause there's nobody left sitting in the water.

Here's a link to Burl Ives singing it so you can hear the tune (if you don't already know it).

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