Friday, September 24, 2010

Curriculum night -- Thursday September 30

Curriculum night at Earl Beatty will be held from 6:30-7:30 pm on Thursday September 30th. The Parent council will be having a BBQ in the back school yard at 5:15.

There will be a Scholastic Book Fair in the Library all of this week (Sept 27-30) -- please visit it if you can on Thursday evening.

I will be giving 2 presentations -- one from 6:30-7:00 and then next from 7:00-7:30. The actual presentation won't be a full half an hour! I like to start with a demonstration of our carpet time. If you bring your children to Room 9's presentation, that is fine with me -- but if you are going to other presentations for older students, I think that the school prefers that you use the free child care in the gym.

I will be going over our focus of learning this year, as well as giving out handouts about our timetable; the curriculum; student and parent responsibilities; field trips; and how parents can help in the classroom. If you can't be there on Curriculum night, I'll send a copy of the handouts in the Thursday folder the following week.

I will be able to answer general questions about what is happening in Room 9. Parent-Teacher interviews will be held later in the fall -- this will be the time to discuss the individual progress of your child!

See you Thursday!

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