Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hope for Haiti

As (I hope) you know, our school is collecting money to aid Haiti in their recovery from the recent devastating earthquake.
A student in the afternoon class came to school today holding a box that said "Hope for Haiti". The box was full of paper money and coins -- collected from family and friends.
(the TDSB is actively supporting the Canadian Red Cross and Free the Children).

Here is his letter: (click on it for a larger view)(published with permission from Lucan's family)
(and while this was scribed by someone else, I am sure that these were Lucan's words, because, yes, he is this eloquent)( Thank you to Lucan and to your family and friends for your heartfelt letter and your generous donations)

On Friday, January 29 the whole school is having a "spirit day" The theme is "Hats and Lollipops" We are asking that each student donate $1 to the Hope for Haiti collection for the privilege of wearing a special hat and eating a lollipop that day. On that day only we will be allowed to wear hats in the school -- and we will be providing lollipops for students who want one. Don't worry -- we won't be allowing them to run around with lollipops in their mouths (we have already spoken about the dangers of this). In Room 9, I will be reading a book (books?) while they have their lollipops. (Please bring a special hat from home -- or make a hat in the classroom!!!)


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog, my sons school had a no uniform day for Haiti. Good luck with all the draws.

  2. hey there
    i represent the world united bloggers
    and i found in your blog the joy of love and the hope of peace
    we are more than 270 bloggers represent more than 80 countries
    blogging for peace and love
    and i chose you to join us ..
    send us a mail with your name , country , blog url to
    sharm@sharmlifeblog.com with title ( join WUB )
    so that we can add you and send the invitation to you

    chief of WUB



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