Today I would like you to go for a walk and be observant. What do you see in nature?
Take a piece of paper and write the alphabet down the side and middle like this (parents might want to help, it took me three tries to fit the alphabet on one page) (This might be a time for lined paper):
Now, you can walk around your garden, or go for a walk somewhere with your parents. Try to fill in your list with natural things that you see. Beside each letter, write the word.
If you see a Ladybug, where would you write ladybug? beside the L ! If you saw some grass, where would that go? Under the G!
You should look up high and look down low. High into trees, and under rocks or branches.
Take a picture of some of the things that you find.
We are going to try something new with the photographs.
Parents! You can try to load them right into our Google Slides. I have set up a slideshow of A-Z at a link that I have emailed you. It is fully editable, so please don't delete other people's photos. Please put your (child's) name on the page!
L is for Ladybug
by Ms. Brown.
If you can't figure it out, or don't want to try it :), don't worry: just email me the photo.
This is good practice for parents and children as you/ they will likely be using Google Classroom, Google Sites, Google Slides or Brightspace with their teacher next year.
Keep working on your Alphabet all week!
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