Thursday, May 28, 2020

What if Everybody Did That?

It is important to be responsible in our community.

It is important to think about what you are going to do before you do it.  
Parents: if you have time, this is a good book to press pause on each page (spread) and talk about what is happening in each picture. 

This book helps to show how you can be a good member of your community. You can show respect to people, and your environment, whether inside or outside, at school, at home, or around your neighbourhood. It helps to keep everyone happy and safe.

Think About It! 
  • What would happen if everyone left the lids off the markers?
  • What would happen if everybody left their chair out and didn't push it in? 
  • What would happen if everybody forgot... to flush the toilet after they used it????
  • What would happen if everyone spit their gum out on the sidewalk?
  • What would happen if.......? (think up some more)

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