Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Healthy Eating / Healthy Living

We learned that people need food, water, air and shelter to stay alive. 
We need to eat healthy food to keep our bodies healthy and strong.

(Parents - in the class, we never say that certain foods are "bad" or good for you. We don't want children to feel bad for their choices! We also say that for some people, meat and/ or milk is a healthy choice, and for some people, it is not -- feel free to leave meat or milk out of the healthy equation if it is not a choice that your family makes! I also try not to say unhealthy -- we make "healthy" choices or "sometimes" choices)

Today we have two books by Lois Ehlert! 
The first one is called Eating the Alphabet

 The next book is Growing Vegetable Soup. I know that some of you have planted so many vegetable seeds! We eat fruits and vegetables to make our bodies strong, fast and smart!

Vegetables and fruit are very healthy for you to eat! Usually, our meals have lots of vegetables in them! They are also a great snack. We also eat healthy grains (breads, cereals, crackers, and pasta), nuts or seeds. It is healthy for some people to drink milk or eat cheese or yogurt, but not everybody does, and that is okay, they eat and drink other things instead. Some people eat eggs, fish and meat. It is up to your parents to decide if these are healthy for you or not. 

If you want to hear a catchy tune about vegetables, watch the video below:

We should eat fruits and vegetables every day. But sometimes, we might like a special snack like a cookie, cake, or candy. Or a special treat cereal that is sugary. Or we might like salty and fatty snacks like chips. These are "sometimes  treats". If we only ate sugary food for every meal, our bodies wouldn't grow strong because we need the vitamins that are in fruits and vegetables. So eat your vegetables and fruits please!

Try it! 
I have sent a link to your parents for a Google slideshow. You can tell them if you think the foods are healthy to eat every day, or if they should be a "sometimes treat" .

Try it!
What is your favourite healthy snack? What is your favourite "sometimes treat?" Can you make a chart and draw a picture of them? Don't forget to label them!

Ms Brown's favourite snacks!

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