Thursday, April 23, 2020

Where We Live Part 1 - Toronto

We all know that we live on the planet Earth. We also live in Canada - which is a COUNTRY on the planet Earth. We live in Toronto, which is a CITY in Canada. Our community is the part of Toronto that we live in. It is the part that we might work in  or play in. 
(Parents: I am trying to make this simple and not overwhelm the children! They will learn so much about communities, cities,  provinces, countries and continents in Grade 1,2 and beyond. But feel free to explain the continents to your child, and Ontario - if they are interested!) 

This map (globe) is showing our part of planet Earth. The red part is Canada! The white parts are other countries. The blue part is water. 

 The red circle on this map (below) shows the area around Toronto. Toronto is the solid red rectangle part. Millions of people live in the spot where the rectangle is! That is where WE live! Can you figure out where Toronto is on the globe map above? It might be tricky. Look for the shapes of the blue lakes at the bottom of Canada.

Toronto is a big city. It is the largest city in Canada! In Toronto we see many large buildings and many many people, especially if we go downtown. 

 There are lots of people downtown on this day! (Yonge and Dundas Square)

Think About It!
What do you like about Toronto?

Do you like to go to the Zoo?  The Science Centre? The Art Gallery of Ontario? The Royal Ontario Museum? The Ripley's Aquarium? Riverdale Farm? We can't go to these places right now, but you might be able to visit on your computer or ipad. The Aquarium is my favourite place to visit in Toronto. And Allan Gardens Conservatory! And the Beaches! Some cities do not have a lake near them, so they don't have a beach or boardwalk. 

(parents: click on the highlighted words to go to virtual tours of these places. I've also added them to our blog sidebar!)
  • You can go go on a virtual tour of the Toronto Zoo HERE!
  • You can explore many fun things at the Ontario Science Centre HERE!
  • You can visit the Shark Tank or the Rainbow Reef and more at the Aquarium HERE! 
  •  You can go on a virtual tour of the Royal Ontario Museum and find SO MANY fun activities HERE!
  • You can learn a bit about Riverdale Farm HERE!
  • The Aga Khan Museum has activities and stories HERE! 

Try it! (I know it is not Tuesday, but Try it on Thursday!)
 One of Toronto's most famous landmarks is the CN Tower. It used to be the tallest structure in the whole world! (but then some other countries built taller ones). When people who live in other places think of Toronto, they often imagine the CN Tower. Have you been up the CN Tower? It is very high. We can see the CN Tower from all over Toronto because it is so tall! If you went to the 2nd or 3rd Floor of Earl Beatty School, you can see it from the window, if you look toward it. 

 Here is your challenge. Build the CN Tower! Kids all over Toronto have been building the CN tower. You can make it out of blocks, lego, books, boxes... whatever you want! If you can, send a picture of it, and I will post them all on our blog. Try to send the photo by Sunday afternoon.

 We will learn more about where we live next week! 

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