Monday, October 13, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are thankful for so much :)

We talked about being thankful and what that means. We tried to get to a "deeper" meaning -- not just what makes us happy for a short while (candy, toys), but what makes us happy every single day....

Everyone in Room 15 is doing a great job of sounding out words and using the Word Wall to spell some words. "Because" was on the word wall (I asked the students to try to write why they were thankful). Thankful was also on the board, but some students tried to sound it out themselves. I have given translations for most of the writing.

 (I am thankful for feet)

 (I am thankful for food)

(I am thankful for bones)

 (I am thankful for vacations)

 (I am thankful for babies)

  (I am thankful for Thanksgiving because my family gets together)

  (I am thankful for my house)

(I am thankful for living in Canada because it is a good country)
 (I am thankful for houses because it keeps you warm)
  (I am thankful because of Halloween)

  (I am thankful for video games)

  (I am thankful for my mom and dad because they give me stuff)

 (I am thankful for babies..... )
  (I am thankful for my house because it can keep me warm)

  (I am thankful for school because it helps me learn)

  (I am thankful because.....)

 (I am thankful for my sister, S...)

Have a wonderful long weekend!

(and remember that, due to the holiday, our "days" of our 5 day cycle will move. Pool and Library will now be on Thursdays, until after the next day off, November 14)

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