Sunday, September 7, 2014

Welcome to Grade 1!

Welcome, parents and children, to First Grade!

 This week has been a whirlwind!

We have been settling into the new routines of Grade 1 on the second floor.   We are getting used to not having a bathroom right in our classroom. This is proving to be very novel for some students, who are asking to go to the bathroom every 15 minutes or so :). I am trying to learn who really needs to go, and who is just going for some exploration time! We are also getting used to trying to "go" at recess or lunchtime, so there aren't so many disruptions during class time.

Lunchtime is very similar to Kindergarten right now -- we are currently eating in our classroom. Room 14 joins us. We went over some rules and talked about how to make good choices:

Class Picture Day is onWednesday, September 10. Wear a smile!

Please follow our Twitter feed @msbrownsroom to see what we are doing throughout the day (as on the blog, I do not show the faces or the last names of the students).

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