Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Engine Engine

      Engine Engine

Engine, engine, number nine,
Waiting on the Danforth line,
Have a ticket, you’ll be fine,
Engine, engine, number nine.

Engine, engine, number nine,
Running on the Danforth line,
Hear the bell when it’s time,
Engine, engine, number nine.

Engine, engine, number nine,
Stopping on the Danforth line,
See it sparkle, see it shine,
Engine, engine, number nine.

Words of the Week (long i sound)
Grade 1+2
bonus word: shine

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Due to the fact that I have been getting 10-20 spam comments every day, I have had to start using word verification. As a blog reader, I REALLY dislike word verification, but I had no other option. I am so sorry!