Monday, May 7, 2012

Materials, Objects and Structures

 We had a Scientist visit the Grade 1 students. (The Grade 2 Students will have their Scientist visit on May 9) Scientist Karin taught us all about Materials, Objects and Structures. A huge thank you to the parents who helped! We honestly cannot do it without you.

We learned that OBJECTS are made out of MATERIALS, and that materials have different properties.

We learned that there are 3 main purposes for structures 
1) To SUPPORT a load (chairs, desks, shelves)
2) To SPAN a gap (bridge, doors, windows, stairs)
3) To ENCLOSE or CONTAIN a person or object (Houses, bins, backpacks)

We built some structures

We learned that FASTENERS hold materials or structures together.

We learned the best way to build a structure so that it will be strong:

We worked as a group to build stools!

We learned that cylinders are the strongest shapes for supporting structures, and that many cylinders together are very strong.

Our stools are in our classrooms now. They are very strong. Even Ms. Brown can sit on them :)

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