Thursday, October 20, 2011

Inspire by example

If you want to teach your children, don't preach, inspire through example.

Ms. Brown takes classes too. Sometimes they are classes about teaching. Sometimes they are about computers and report cards.

Sometimes they are classes about art

Sometimes they are classes about social media and blogging.

When I take classes -- especially art classes, I bring my results into the classroom to show the children. They especially like my notebooks and all of the writing in them ("you wrote all of this Ms. Brown? Really truly?")

I also show them the books that I am reading to myself.
The conversations often go like this:
Student: "What are you reading today?
Me: "This book -- can you read the title?"(I show them the book)
The next day
Student: "What are you reading today?
Me: "The same book." (I show them, and I show them my bookmark).
Student: "It takes you a really long time to read a book."
Me: "Long Books take a long time -- a whole week, or sometimes more!"
Student: "Wow" (they look totally in awe)
Me: "You will read books this long some day"
Student :"I don't like books without pictures"
Me: "You will, someday"

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