Saturday, May 8, 2010

Farm Trip

On Friday we visited Willowgrove Farm in Stouffville! We had a sloooow start (our bus was very late arriving at the school and then the driver got a bit lost). So we were rushed at the farm a bit.... And then we arrived back at the school a bit late, but fun was had by all!
I took as many photos as I could -- We will make an in-class book with lots of pictures of the kids at the farm. If any of the PM parents took pictures -- please email them to me! I only have one shot of the afternoon class. I traveled around with the AM group because 1 child has an Epi Pen and I didn't want to be too far away from her.

Here is what we did and saw!

Up first (for the AM group -- pm had a different order)was the hayloft -- it had a slide, rope swings, tires swings and tires to climb on. It was a bit dusty....... but really fun!
Then we all got into a wagon which was pulled by a tractor
and we traveled down a lane into the woods where we saw trilliums, some wild leeks and maple trees. We learned that there is a $5,000 fine if you pick a trillium (Ontario's provincial flower). It takes 7 years for them to bloom. The children didn't seem to care much about the fine -- but the adults were impressed!

Then we walked through the barns!

First we went to the chicken barn:
We saw some peacocks and pea hens and their eggs (the peacock was stubborn and wouldn't fan his tail -- when he did he wouldn't face us)Then we saw the chickens:
(see the eggs?)And a rooster:
Then we went to the 4 legged animal barn:

We saw pigs:
We saw mama sheep and baby lambs (I think that the sheep that is lying down is just about to give birth -- I don't think that it is the mama of these very active lambs)
and then we saw an incubator for chicks and we all got to touch a baby chick while our farmer/leader held it!Then we used hand sanitizer on our hands!
Interesting information for adults......
Then we got on the bus and went back to Earl Beatty.....
(I forgot to take a picture of our school bus, but it looked a lot like this one)

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